Want to be part of something amazing? Join a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team! FRC teams are dynamic groups of high school students who come together to design, build, and program competitive robots. As a team member, you'll develop valuable skills in engineering, programming, leadership, and teamwork while working on exciting robotics challenges.

Express your interest

Team Assistance

Robot in 3 Days

Come together with teams from across WA over a 3 day intensive FRC workshop to build your robot with expert advice from experienced teams and mentors.

Find Out More

Scrimmages/Open Workshops

Teams will be able to use the WARP practice field, obtain assistance from experienced mentors in mechanical, programming and driving. Come finish building your robot, or battle it out against robots that have already competed across the globe to improve your robot driving.

Scrimmage 0 - 9th March - Murdoch University
Open Workshop 1 - 3rd May - Curtin University
Robot in 3 Days Workshop - 16th-18th May - Murdoch University
Open Workshop 2 - 14th June - Curtin University
Scrimmage 1 - 26th July - Curtin University
Scrimmage 2 - 9th August - Curtin University
End of Year Sundowner - 15th November - Curtin University

View Full Calendar
Express Interest


The kitbot is a pre-designed competitive robot designed to assist teams in easily competing, lowering the bar to start competing in FRC.

2025 kitbot:

Kitbot Resources

We have also put together a spreadsheet featuring local WA suppliers (including a few discount codes from our incredible sponsors!) 

WA Parts

Expert Help Booking

Easily seek help from the most experienced people in WA!

With nearly a century of combined FRC experience we have the perfect person to help with your design worry / electrical fault / code issue / media problem. Our team is more than happy to come help any FRC team in need, simply request a session on our booking page letting us know what kind of assistance you require.  

Booking Page

Start a team

Starting and running an FRC team is incredibly rewarding.

What you need to start a team: 
- $6000k+ worth of robot parts
- A space to work in (a woodworking classroom, a garage)
- Basic tools
- An enthusiastic adult

There are no registration or competition fees.

To run FRC in a school setting it can either be run as part of an engineering class (it fits very well into both the general and ATAR engineering requirements for a project). Or it can be run as a club/extra-curricular, students should spend about 3 hours a week for 3 months as a minimum to learn the most, and get the most out of the program.  

There are grants released periodically to assist teams with funding, please contact us to find out more or watch this space.